Wednesday, September 10, 2008

See And Bend Your Ear

Often times as Catholics we over look the Responsorial Psalm. The Psalm and Response today though should not be over looked. In fact they reveal the very foundations of our spiritual lives. The first foundation is in the response "Listen to me, daughter; see and bend your ear." "Listen to me" God Himself wants our attention. He wants us to recognize the importance of what he is saying. "See" He wants us to look at him because in His gaze we find Mercy. "Bend your ear" He wants us to come close to Him. To lean in close so we do not just hear Him but actually listen to what He is saying. So the first foundation is the desire of God the Father that his children listen to Him. "God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life."(Jn 3:16) The Father wants us to listen to Him so that we may come to know His Mercy. That is His Son Jesus.
The Psalm then is the other foundation and it can be summed up in this one line, "So shall the King desire your beauty." We are beautiful to the Father. First in that He created us and second in that He adopted us through His Son Jesus Christ. So He desires that we come to Him that we live with Him and share the wonder of His Love. In this the Father blesses us and all those to whom we are related. We are beautiful to the Father because it is His beauty that is within us. Even with our sins and our wounds we are beautiful to the Father. This is because of His Mercy that dwells within us in Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit. So the foundations are firmly set in the will of the Father and like Jesus and our Blessed Mother have showed us we can confidently say in the power of the Holy Spirit, "Thy Will Be Done Father."

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